July 26, 2008
July 23, 2008
Mom felt good when she woke up. We visited and had coffee... My sister and her daughter came over .. her daughter painted mom's finger nails a very pretty pink. Then we made dinner... I made salmon with that we had garlic potatoes and we picked up a Caesar salad at Costco and it was yummy. Then we made strawberry shortcake... yum o... as Rachel Ray would say. My sister Laurie came by for a visit and we gave mom a shower and gave her a massage... and slathered her with lotion.. she was in heaven.
Sunday was a good day for mom... my brother and his wife came over for a visit... both sisters came by we had a full house... then we hear a knock at the door.. and there is mom doctor... he stayed for quite awhile and mom loved it... he is really quite funny... very dry and I mean dry sense of humor... he is from the east coast... I think that is why he really likes mom. I was so happy that he came over, it meant so much to her.. he told us he would check back before he leaves for vacation to see what meds she might need while he is gone. I took a picture of him while he was here.
Probably starting Thursday... it is going to be crazy here.. the Hydro races start and there are so many people here you cant go anywhere.
This website has a nice article on the races..Click here.
Monday my daughter Roxane and her two daughters came for a visit while my grandson was in drivers training... I know what you all are thinking... I am not old enough to have a grandson that old... hehe... I am not.. I tell you I am not! .. really I am not! It was a great visit.
after they left.. I took mom for a ride through Columbia Park along the Columbia River... lots of memories down there.. I use to take my son fishing down there.. we took the kids to the playground more times then I could count. We saw many hydroplane races, and rode our jet ski's every summer on the Columbia River.
We drove all over Kennewick an looked at all the different houses that Robert and I and the kids lived in.. and what people have done to change them. Mother really enjoyed seeing them. We drove around new housing developments. Housing is so inexpensive here. But it couldn't ever replace Seaside.
We then headed over to my sister Florence's to see what she was up to.. and told her that we wanted dinner.... *grin*... so she fixed us dinner and I fell asleep in her big chair for about 20 minutes. We had a nice dinner and visit... then we headed home to bed.
I had such awesome gifts waiting for me on the table when I got home... I had mail from many friends in Seaside... and a book from one of them.. I cant tell you how nice that was. THANK YOU !
Please bare with me if you have not gotten a response to an email... I try to get to them as quickly as I can. I do love getting them so please... don't stop.
Tuesday morning we were woke up with someone banging on the door... we all got home and ran to the door... another wonderful surprise.. My sweet adorable husband send a bouquet of flowers to my mother and one to me... we both were so excited.. what a great way to wake up. I made some lasagne .. because this morning my brother told me he was tired of the girly stuff I was making... he wanted some BEEF... *grin*
ok... so I really didn't make it.. I bought it from Costco... good.... my sister Laurie came over to visit and she brought some yummy garlic bread.
I really should get some sleep.. but when mom goes to sleep it is my time to unwind then I tend to stay up too late. Good night.. : )
July 19, 2008
The hot weather is melting me....
These are flowers that my sisters bought me when they went shopping while we were in Seaside... so beautiful.

So I know I keep complaining about the heat... but come on... it is hot here.. My whining must have helped... my brother went out and bought a AC unit for the bedroom mom and I are in... Praise GOD... I am telling you... the first night in a month that I was actually able to sleep. My mother said today it was cold... and I told her she better not say a word. *grin* Thank you brother.
Mom has been having a pretty rough time since we came back to Tri-Cities... she has been getting sick a lot and sleeping a lot.. it was making me feel very sad. She tells me she just wants to go to sleep and not wake up.
Yesterday when she woke up I had her get up and put on a fresh outfit instead of PJ's and I took her to see her husband... she ended up getting sick there so we returned home. She woke up late in the evening and Her and I had a wonderful evening of chatting and laughing.. we really enjoyed it... then we watched a movie until 2am... we had popcorn.. then brother came home and yelled at us to go to bed... lol we stopped our movie and we finished it tonight.
She is tired... but feeling good tonight. I really wish that she would get better and be healed.. it is such a hard thing to watch. I hope you all don't think this is a bummer... I am not sad all the time.. I have very sad moments.. but I am hanging in there. I think it helps to journal it... even though I didn't like I should have in the beginning but I couldn't get out of my own way for the first month... I was wiped out. I am going to start having someone stay with mom so I can get out a little bit. She is really pressing me to get out more also.. it is just hard to do, I hate leaving her. I had my first outing today... lol... well tonight.. my sister and I went to Costco to do some shopping.. and my sister kept telling me ... come on hurry up... lol.. I told her this is my first outing... leave me alone.
We have spent time going through her closet and going through her clothes and getting rid of everything that looked like it was 50 years old, It made her feel good.
While she is sleeping and I am not cleaning or organizing I surf the web. lol.. I am not really looking for anything ... lots of scrapbook stuff... and mindless stuff so I don't have to think. Although I did come across this...
I am not really ready to buy anything... but my mom and I drove by and took a peek in a lot after we found it online.. it sure is cute.. but I really wanted to buy a hybrid...so I don't know what to do.. so I will do nothing for now. I will see what Robert thinks of it when he comes down next weekend... woohooo for 3 days... I am so excited. I am going to sign off for tonight ... or this morning... lol.. what ever it is. Thanks again for all the wonderful thoughts and prayers from everyone. Hugs...

July 18, 2008
Trying to catch up...
Mom and I had a good trip heading to Seaside.. my sister Laurie and her husband Tom and my sister Florence and her daughter all came down on Friday, They arrived very late and very tired.
Jade Deb and the boys came down for the night on Sunday... they cooked awesome meals.. mom really enjoyed herself.. she was so happy to see them and the boys were all over her and loving on her. We had a great time. They headed to the beach and the carousel. the rest of us took a nap. Thank you for the awesome meals Jade and Deb.
I don't remember where this fit in... but Jade and Robert put up a great temporary fence for the puppies and they loved and we did also.. we could just leave the door open and they went in and out. They did such a great job.
Jade & family went to do a little last minute shopping and then headed home.
Here are some photos from their time here. Click photo for more.
After our nap we headed out to sunset beach. Mom really enjoyed herself even though she wasn't up to getting out. We later went to the cove and enjoyed the sunset.
click on the photo to see more.
Mom really was not feeling well and wanted to go home early.. but she woke up on Wednesday and said she was feeling better and wanted to stay until Friday.
The trip back to Washington was a very long one.. it seemed like we were never going to get home.
I think that I was just too tired to remember everything. I will post this for tonight and update you more tomorrow. Take care..
July 05, 2008
Deer at the beach.

The deer wandered out to see what everyone was doing in town... and everyone was freaking out to see them by the beach.. there were tourist taking pictures like crazy,
I hope you all had a great fourth of July.. it ended up getting cloudy but it was still beautiful to watch the fireworks. Robert worked all day trying to protect our city.. nothing earth shattering happened. They had a couple lost children but were able to reunite everyone quickly he said.
Mom had a rough day today.. but she did wake up to see the fireworks and loved them. She could see them through the window sitting on the couch so that was nice. There was a lovely cool breeze blowing through the windows. We are going to take mom out to Sunset Beach tomorrow, you are allowed to drive on the beach there.. .so we can get mom right up to the water.
Have a great day.

July 01, 2008
sleep.... night