Please continue to keep me and my siblings and family on your prayer list... we are all having such a rough time.. We miss mom so much.. and it is really hard to imagine her physical presence not here.
I know where she is... I know she is so much happier than she has been in her entire life... but I still miss her. I am having a hard time talking to anyone .. so I have been just staying home.
I had a coffee event this weekend that we promised we would do and I did the first day and could not hardly make it through it. Robert did today and I stayed in bed most of the day.
Please hang in there... I know that I will return to my old self... I am just struggling right now..
I wanted to thank so many people but I don't want to do it on this post.. I want it to be when my mind is clear. I truly have been blessed with the most wonderful people in my life, I thank you for that.
Love ..