December 21, 2009
December 08, 2009
Heather Bailey's new fabric line
November 18, 2009
Stormy at the beach..
Tuesday it was a crazy stormy day... and it appears we are going to have the same type of day today. DH went in to see what he could do to help and he stayed out until 2:30am , when he got home he was beat and soaked. We had a major flood on 101 and they shut it down for a bit.
We call this Lake Safeway... come by sometime and take a dip.
I heard a loud boom but couldnt find out where it came from and I found out this morning that the glass in our patio table was lifted out and thrown on the ground... I am so glad he did not go through the window or land on a car... yikes. It is way too heavy to pick up so that was some powerful wind.
Stay warm everyone.
November 15, 2009
Quiet Reading Day
Thank you to everyone that emailed and commented so very very sweet of you. I really am feeling better. Debra thank you so much for that advice.. can you email me I have a couple of questions for you. Thanks.
Amy you get snow don't you? I do miss that.. while we were in Whistler I enjoyed it very much.
Karen thank you for getting back to me about the boxes.. I cant wait to try some.
Those of you who have been asking I will post more pictures soon I promise.
Have a great week. I will leave you with this picture.. me trying to get through a TON of things that I have neglected, they just push their way on to me.. lol
November 12, 2009
Rain Rain Go Away.....
It has been raining hard and non stop some times. The poor dogs have not wanted to go out in it and I don't blame them at all. When it is really bad I have been putting papers down in the garage and encouraging them to go there..ummm they look at me like what the heck..but they finally give in and do their thing and thankful to not have to go out on the soggy lawn.
Dont get me wrong.. I love it here but sometimes the rain gets to me.
On our way to Home Depot I snapped this with my phone.. we are so excited to be getting a larger Costco it opens on the 25th of this month, notice the rain started again.
We were talking yesterday maybe we should go check out Arizona in a couple of months and see how I do in the drier climate, not that we would move there but we could live there part time.. when it is really wet here. I have noticed on HGTV they were mentioning that it was cheaper there also, so we will see.. that might be the answer. Have a great day.
November 10, 2009
Contest and new fabric store...
October 02, 2009
Whistler BC
Then they asked for Roberts truck keys and went and searched our car then came back and asked us all the same questions like 2 or 3 times. Not bad really we were just tired and wanted to get to our room.
So we went back out to our car I turned my phone on and it told me that I would be charged 15.92 per kb ... I have no idea what that pertains to so I shut that puppy of so fast... I will call ATT tomorrow and see what the heck is going on.
Jade and Deb's condo is awesome.. I will share photos soon. we ordered Indian food in... oh my gosh... Karen I feel spoiled having in twice in two weeks. oh yum. Deb headed to bed and the rest of us are chillin for a little bit.
October 01, 2009
A new start...
Boy where did the summer go? We had a great time when we went to Branson for Robert's mothers 80th Birthday.. the heat and humidity was a bit much for me but I still had a good time. My mother in law and family had a good time also.
We went to the Butterfly Palace and that was amazing.. you have to go through double doors going in and out.. so you have time to make sure there are not any butterflies trying to leave with you. Before you entered the room with the butterflies you had to watch a 3D movie I was swatting at the ones that were coming near my face.. it was really something to see.
One of the photos below is a butterfly that landed on my brother in law Dennis and one landed on my shirt.. I walked all around in there with that little guy sitting on me.. People would ask if it was ok if they took a picture.
Shirley's Birthday.. This was a great looking gift shop on the way to the lodge.. I love the landscaping.
This is the lodge where we ate dinner.. it was lovely, the food was great and the staff was superb.
There were a couple of spots in the road where they made it look like you were driving through a creek.
of course here is a photo of the birthday girl.
A restaurant down by the water (Branson Landing water front) It is called Cantina Laredo it was my favorite place.. yes we went back for more.. the guacamole was made at your table and the food was fresh not greasy, our waitress was the adorable. The remaining photos are of the view from the restaurant.
That is it for tonight. Goodnight everyone.

September 24, 2009
September 02, 2009
August 28, 2009
Heading home Saturday morning...
August 22, 2009
August 19, 2009
We made it...
It was in the 90's when we pulled in... but by the time we got settled we ate dinner on my sisters patio and it was beautiful out.
I had forgotten how flat the land is around here.. it is quite different than where we live now.
These photos are not the greatest, I took them with my cell phone, and try to see around all the bugs on the windshield.

going over the bridge from Hermiston Oregon - to Kennewick Washington

Ellie was tired of sitting in back and decided she wanted to drive... lol

Heading into Kennewick

We are very excited to head out to start our adventure tomorrow.
August 18, 2009
Heading out.....
July 08, 2009
June 13, 2009
Kalven’s grandparents day….
What a fun time we had… Kal’s school in such a pretty spot.. and a lovely drive to get there.. but I thought better of showing pictures and putting the name on the internet.
They had a nice lunch out side and it was sunny and warm.. we also had home made ice cream. We played (the kids) and enjoyed chatting, then they had to get back to business as usual.
I headed back to town and checked a few stores out and then when 3pm hit I went and picked up Kalven and had a wonderful conversation with him.. He is such a funny kid.. he has a funny personality like his dad.. really both the boys do. Thank you Kalven for a great day!
Ok… I have to go and get ready before hubby gets home.. he wants to go buy some fencing and get the fence done for the puppies.. no this is not a huge project, it is a small do it yourself fence I will show photos later.
joy (grandma Bug)
June 07, 2009
Still in Kennewick… Storms a brewin…
I will really be home soon… it has been so busy with visits and Graduation. The night before Graduation..this is what it looked like not a great pictures but look close and you can see the sand and wind… I remember what I didn't enjoy about living here.
The sand was blowing so hard it was getting under my contacts. Things were blowing all over the places… We were shopping and carts were flying everywhere in the parking lot.
It was busy and fun… My sister had a Dessert get together after for family and friends. Oh my gosh it was sugar overload... but they had a great time. She had a chocolate fountain with Strawberries , marshmallows, cookies, pretzels, funnel sticks, bananas you name it and it was dipped in chocolate.. Also served was punch, coffee and cheese cake.
It is so hard to believe that my niece is going to be 18 years old. After they were all sugared up.. lol.. (poor teachers).. the kids took off for their senior party.
Here are a couple pictures I was able to grab.
We are so proud of you Eleasha, I know your dad and grandma were there beaming with pride and joy.
This is what they thought of the whole day…
It was a great day.
May 29, 2009
Hey I am back....
May 06, 2009
Bug met his little sister to be..
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Bug and Ellie |
I am still in Washington... oh and I have to show you photos from our walk. yikes do my legs hurt. click on photo
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May 05, 2009
So much to blog about....
April 21, 2009
Please pray for Stellan…
Would you pray that Dr. A will have wisdom as to if he should move forward with the ablation after the esophageal study? If he does move forward, would you pray that he will have clarity of mind as far as how aggressive to be with the ablation in order to fix Stellan's problem without putting him at undue risk for complications. Would you pray that the tiny catheters the doctors use will not nick Stellan's coronary artery? Would you pray for peace for me and my husband? Would you pray that heart block will not occur during the surgery? Would you pray that the extra pathways Stellan has will be located and successfully destroyed? Will you pray that, if they need to go through his septum, that it will heal as it should? Would you pray that in the days after the surgery (In infants, coronary damage sometimes doesn't appear for up to three days, so we'll be here for the rest of the week at least it looks.) we will cling to Jesus and not to fear?
April 14, 2009
Home from Las Vegas…
UPDATE!!! darn… I am sorry… no update yet.. I am so sick with a headache and sore throat… this was Bug and I all day, he laid on my lap… blah! Poor Robert he was sick the whole time I was gone.. I hope mine doesn't last that long.